*If you need to be put on next month's agenda, please call Debbie @ (918)267-3760. Please be sure to leave a message if there is no immediate answer.
Meetings are held at 7 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Exceptions in November and December.
Here are some links to help you find events happening in our area!
Monthly Meeting!!
Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 - 7:00 P.M. At the Winchester Community Center, on 251st Street.NOTICE!!!
The town is subject to land covenants and zoning ordinances, which restricts mobile homes, new businesses, as well as other codes, ordinances, and restrictions. Please refer to our community ordinances, under the Publications tab, for further information.
We continue to have people leaving trash and unwanted items at the Community Center. It is a violation to leave things there when a dumpster day is not in progress. Winchester Community Center is not a swap site or dump site, and if it continues, we will no longer host dumpster days for the community.
Send us your photos to share with the community.